Every month, and sometimes even weekly, students at Bronx Arena meet with their generalist teacher or Advocate Counselor to map our their monthly goals, annual plan, and graduation plan. They identify focus and secondary credits using data, interactive classroom charts, and their online tracker. These conferences are a designated time for the student and teacher to check in on progress, as well as identify specific goals and how to get there. During conferences, teachers ask students these questions to help them identify their path (instead of telling students what their path is):
- What is your long term plan?
- What steps do you need to take to achieve it? (daily, monthly, etc.)
- How many credits have you achieved? Which do you still need?
- How would you like to achieve these credits? In what order?
These basic questions allow the conferences to move away from an adult-driven conversation (which many times it starts off as) to a student-driven discussion where each student takes ownership of their own progress and path. Once they have reflected on these questions, they can map out what they need to graduate, what classes they need to take, and where they have strengths and weaknesses. They are also able to identify any challenges getting in the way of their learning (both academic and emotional) and how their teachers can support them with that as well.
Student Does
- Builds relationships with generalist teacher and Advocate Counselor so they can express frustrations and ask for support.
- Tracks their credit progress through an interactive chart (e.g. sticker chart, color chart, etc.).
- Maps out their long term plan (Credit Mapping) and steps they need to take to get there.
Teacher Does
- Meets with each student at the beginning of every course to talk about their knowledge level.
- Collects and analyzes student data to identify specific areas of need and interventions needed.
- Supports students with credit mapping and designing an actionable graduation plan.
Technology Does
- Tracks progress on goals with the data tracker.
- Houses daily to do lists to ensure students are on track to hit their five tasks.
Strategy Resources
Bronx Arena Credit Map Example
Teachers work with students to create individualized credit maps, backwards planning all required credits until... Learn More
Class Example: Credit Mapping at Bronx Arena
A student and teacher discuss the student's credit and class sequence based on the student's... Learn More
Creating Customized Credit Maps for Each Student at Bronx Arena
An educator and student discuss how and why they create custom class sequences, or credit... Learn More