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Edtech Procurement at Houston ISD

TLA District Procurement Strategy Snapshot


HISD is the largest district in Texas and the seventh largest in the country, and the success of their strategy demonstrates that it doesn’t take ideal conditions or special circumstances to innovate. HISD’s leaders learned from others, took their time, supported teachers and students in the transition and effectively managed the initiative.

Recommendations from the Houston Independent School District

  1. Develop and share the vision across your district to get buy-in. Keep people and processes focused on the end result: expanding learning opportunities for students.
  2. Learn from the experience of districts with successful deployments.
  3. Spend time determining exactly what you want from your technology and make it clear in the RFP. Make sure vendors adapt to your needs (not their wants) and price accordingly.
  4. Allocate sufficient time and be prepared for an iterative process in order to get the best price with the best vendor fit.
  5. Connect the work of every department with efficient communication and create the necessary structures to allow that communication to be easy and frequent.
  6. When working with outside agents such as technology vendors, make sure to have a point of contact that represents a unified interdepartmental voice.
  7. Use a consistent rollout process at schools. Consider a phased rollout where teachers gain early access to devices and training, well before students.
  8. Capture best practices. Continuous improvement starts with collecting information about what works and what doesn't during first waves of implementation to develop future rollouts.
  9. Meet your teachers and students where they are. Find the school leaders and students who are ready for blended learning and be patient for the rest to come on board. The Houston Independent School District estimates five years for a complete cultural overhaul.

Strategy Resources

Digital Learning Now Guide to Edtech Procurement

This edtech procurement guide provides a framework for schools and districts. Learn More


An example of an RFP from Houston ISD for Purchase and/or Lease of End User... Learn More