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ReNEW DTA Academy
ReNEW’s Dolores T. Aaron Academy (“ReNEW DTA”) is a charter school serving students in pre-K through 8th grade in New Orleans, LA that has developed a mastery-based, 8th grade math program.
Centralized vs. Decentralized Implementation: How do we decide what the district should hold tight vs. loose?
This guide unpacks the relative benefits of centralized or decentralized implementation of new instructional models and offers examples of the way systems across the county have managed this tension.
“Fast and Furious” vs. “Slow and Steady”: How fast should we be moving from pilot to scale? What will help us best achieve sustainability?
This guide unpacks the relative benefits of accelerating versus slowing down the pace of implementation to achieve sustainability and offers examples of the way systems across the country have managed this tension.
How Do Edtech Products “Stack” Up?: Improving Quality in Virtual and Hybrid Learning Through Technology
This resource distills learnings about what must be true for edtech to promote virtual and hybrid learning program quality and offers leaders a series of questions to ask themselves when considering their own edtech products’ ability to do so.
Driving EdTech Systems: Audit Your EdTech Systems
This strategy provides school- and system-level edtech leaders with a three-step process to understand how their edtech systems align with those outlined in the EdTech Systems Guide: Equity-Driven Selection, Implementation, and Evaluation. This...
Driving EdTech Systems: Continuous Improvement Guide
This strategy provides school- and system-level edtech leaders with activities to support them in designing improvement efforts that align their edtech systems with the EdTech Systems Guide: Equity-Driven Selection, Implementation, and Evaluation....
EdTech Inventory Template Spreadsheet
Leaders can use this tool to build an edtech inventory to evaluate the use of technology within their schools and systems.
Driving EdTech Systems: Inventory Your EdTech Tools
This strategy provides school- and system-level leaders with an overview of effective edtech inventorying practices, foundational for implementing the EdTech Systems Guide: Equity-Driven Selection, Implementation, and Evaluation. Leaders can use...
Driving EdTech Systems: Digital Accessibility
This strategy supports users of the EdTech Systems Guide: Equity Equity-Driven Selection, Implementation, and Evaluation users in reflecting on and strengthening their school or system’s edtech practices around accessibility.
Driving EdTech Systems: Natick Public Schools
Natick Public Schools participated in the EdTech Peer Learning Cohort facilitated by The Learning Accelerator (TLA) in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Educational Technology.