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Remote Pathways
Just like in an in-person environment, students in remote and hybrid environments can benefit from working in small groups for a variety of reasons including content support and enhanced, personalized working environments.
Customized Learner Pathways
Students use learner pathways to progress through content and instruction. These pathways are modified based on what the students has shown they already know or need to work on.
Math Pathways
Liberty Public School students in learning cafe classrooms work along pathways based on their mastery level. This artifact includes an example of a pre-assessment students take. Teachers use the data from these pre-assessments to provide students...
Trailblazer Learning Pathways
Teachers at Trailblazer organize content for learner pathways in Schoology.
Trailblazer Pathway Choices
This screenshot shows the learning pathways students can engage with in Schoology.
Promoting Personalization through Learner Pathways
Learner pathways incorporate both pre-assessment data and student choice to determine the instructional activities students engage with in class.
Badges and Pathways
Students at VLACS use Badgr to track their badges and find information related to specific career pathways.v
Trailblazer Pathway Planning Doc
This guide is used to create a learning pathway for a student.
Learner Pathways at Trailblazer
Short, daily pre-assessments along with student choice determine the pathways and groups students engage in each day.
Activity: Conduct Empathy Interviews with Stakeholders
When designing change, teams ensure that stakeholders – students, families, teachers, and classified staff – are the primary sources of input for what change is necessary and what change might look like through direct interviewing.
Activity: Making Sense of Empathy Interviews
When designing change, teams make sense of input and feedback from students, families, teachers, and classified staff to identify what changes are needed and what those changes might look like.