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Flowchart Grouping System
This flowchart shows how the teacher makes groups for two week increments of Workshop, using the formative assessments of the previous two weeks. The groups will come to tutoring or work together in the group model of Workshop.
Student Groupings at Trailblazer
Teachers break up students into small groups to target similar needs and allow for student collaboration.
Multiple Methods of Student Groupings
Student at Valor can be grouped in a variety of ways, which may evolve over time based on need.
CICS Student Groupings Screen Shot
CICS West Belden uses student groups to differentiate instruction.
Daily, Weekly, and Long-Term Student Groupings
Roots groups students in multiple ways over the course of the year to differentiate instruction.
Single-Gender Grouping via “Prides”
Students at Valor spend time in a single-gendered small group meant to foster community and individual non-academic support.
Flexible Groupings at West Belden
CICS West Belden Teachers use flexible groupings to provide students with personalized instruction and supports.
Differentiated Grouping at Pleasant View
Teachers split learners into four groups for instruction.
Student Groupings at Locust Grove Middle School
Teachers discuss how they group students at Locust Grove Middle School.
Heterogeneous Student Groupings at ReNew DTA
When teaching 8th grade-level content, the teacher pairs students heterogeneously to support lower-level students and offer higher-level students the opportunity to deepen knowledge by teaching others.