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Access to Grade-Level Instruction Through TV

Leveraging local TV for remote lessons


When the COVID-19 pandemic closed schools for in-person instruction, Prince George’s County Public Schools sought a way to quickly reach as many of their students as possible for remote instruction. As the district did not have one-to-one student devices, they prioritized their device rollout to reach their secondary students first. To ensure that they were still providing remote instruction for their K-5 students, they leveraged their local television station to broadcast lessons.


Throughout the day, different lessons are broadcast for students K-5. Schedules are published online in advance so that students and families can prepare for which lessons they would like to or need to watch. Lessons include math, ELA, science, social studies, and fine arts and guide students through activities they can do from home. In addition to these core content classes for grades K-5, the district also broadcasts videos highlighting different activities happening within the district, such as science bowl competitions, and helpful announcements and guides, such as videos that include important information about the transition from middle to high school. Each video that is broadcast is also available to watch on-demand on the station’s website.