Successful residency programs address a dual challenge facing districts - particularly those in rural areas or underserved communities: quality of instruction and educator retention. Residency programs address these needs by serving as a vehicle through which to recruit educators with specific skills and qualifications, preparing novice teachers with content knowledge and practical skills, supporting teachers with early-career mentoring, and providing financial incentives — all of which encourage retention.
Strategy Resources
Setting up a Residency Program: The What, Where, and How to Make it Work for Your System
This research synthesis, prepared for Lindsay Unified School District Teacher and School Leader (TSL) Initiative... Learn More
Report: Building Community and Capacity: The Effects of the First Year of LUSD’s Teacher Residency Program
Teacher residency programs have the potential to address two systems-level challenges exacerbated by the pandemic... Learn More
Executive Summary: Building Community and Capacity - The Effects of the First Year of LUSD’s Teacher Residency Program
This executive summary presents the key findings of a mixed-methods study conducted to understand the... Learn More