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Student-Centered Acceptable Use Policy at BPS

Case study of Boston Public Schools' AUP strategy


Boston Public Schools worked with students and staff to develop a student-centered AUP (acceptable use policy). In addition to incorporating student feedback, the team developed student-friendly, developmentally-appropriate means of communications through podcasts and learning modules. Key takeaways from this project include: if students are supposed to comply with the AUP, it is critical that they understand what the policy stipulates. Making the document student-centered is the first step in that process.

Engaging high school students in the process of revising the AUP can result in more student buy-in.

Students can use their multimedia skills to help your district develop effective messages that reinforce the AUP.

High school students can also be tapped to teach younger students how to be safe online.

Having a trained crew of cyber safety mentors who can be deployed into classrooms is an effective way to deliver the AUP message.