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Class Competitions
To keep students on pace, teachers create a class competition that runs daily and by “unit.”
Pleasant View's Standards-Based Report Cards
Pleasant View Elementary uses standards-based report cards, which communicate mastery of standards as opposed to grades.
Third and Fourth Grade Mastery-Based Grading
At Mt. Vernon Elementary School, mastery-based grading was implemented to support and encourage students to easily determine their own mastery guided by teacher feedback.
Weekly Learning Logs
Schools can create checkpoints at the end of each week with the use of learning logs, through which students share takeaways and reflections about what they learned.
Artifact: Fenway High School’s Junior Review Rubric and Score Card
The Junior Review is a pivotal moment for Fenway High School's 11th graders. It's a chance for them to showcase their academic growth and skills developed through project-based learning (PBL) competencies. This review functions as a culminating...
Student Self-Reporting Progress
Students are responsible for updating their mastery scores in their learning agendas, which increases ownership, improves update speed, and relieves the teacher of that task.
Pacing Prompts
Given students move at their own pace, teachers provide prompts to keep them moving and on track.
Teacher Data Use at Roots
Teachers use data from assessments to monitor growth and plan. In this video, a Roots leader walks through a literacy data Google Sheet. (Student names have been blurred to protect privacy.)
Roots Executive Director Discusses Benefits of Periodic Benchmark Assessments at Roots
Roots ED and Founder, Jonathan Hanover, discusses how the team uses leveled competency-based assessments across every content area to assess growth and learning trajectories. Transcript: Jon Hanover: roughly every six to eight weeks, we...
Roots Writing Data Workbook Data Entry
This is an example Data Entry workbook for a student at Roots and shows the plethora of data collected for each student.
Screenshot of LPS Mental Math Data
LPS students complete mental math exercises at the beginning of class. This is a sample of the data teachers collect and analyze.