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Focusing Instruction Through Standards Prioritization and Model Units
In response to the pandemic, Cedar Rapids Community School District chose to focus teaching and learning on the most important content for each grade-level and subject-area.
Setting Expectations Through Surveys
As students and teachers return to in-person learning, it is important to align on expectations, leverage learnings and students' skills from remote instruction, and design experiences that will support students in effective ways.
Flexible Scheduling for Virtual and Hybrid Learning
Virtual and hybrid schools can offer flexibility in scheduling for students to decide what will best meet their needs, learning preferences, and individual situations.
Student Internships
Students can begin to explore career pathways and develop basic workplace skills in high school by participating in student internships.
Engaging in Real-World Learning Experiences
Schools offer real-world experiences for students to deeply explore their interests and experience authentic learning opportunities.
Capturing Teachers’ Thoughts on Technology Usage
Teachers can offer valuable insights on whether devices and tools effectively meet student needs for learning, and therefore should be regularly included in the evaluation process for technology decisions.
Building Teacher Capacity to Increase Student Belonging (KIPP DC)
Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, KIPP DC sought to improve their students’ sense of belonging as well as their educators' capacity to mentor students.
NYC School Without Walls' Approach to Student and Family Engagement
Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, NYC School Without Walls sought to increase engagement with asynchronous learning and provide clarity for both students and families about expectations for virtual learning.
Engaging Families Through In-Person Events (Cajon Valley Virtual Learning Program)
Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, Cajon Valley's Virtual Learning Program sought ways to help students build social skills and provide in-person activities to foster school-wide community-building.
Multimodal Planning
How to plan using a variety of modalities (synchronous, asynchronous, analog, and digital) throughout the day and even during a single lesson to ensure engagement and access for all students