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Knowing the School: How do leaders prepare new teachers to be successful within their school models?
When welcoming new teachers (whether new to the school or to teaching), it is important that you clearly communicate the nuts and bolts that make your innovative school possible. This includes specifics about your model and approach, the supports...
Leadership That Moves You Forward: Innovation, Vision, and Planning
To help understand how district and building-level administrators can successfully manage the change process when leading personalized learning initiatives, the Institute for Teaching and Leading (i4tl) conducted research looking at which actions by...
Team Collaboration: How do leaders build in time and team structures for data-driven instruction?
Personalization in classrooms requires broad, intentional use of data across schools and systems. This guide explores how leaders can foster effective data-driven instruction by setting aside time, creating structures, and offering supports needed...
Professional development strategies to support teachers during the shift to remote learning
This Insight shares useful professional development strategies that help PD providers support educators during the shift to remote learning spaces.
Today’s One Thing for Leaders: Hiring Teachers in a Remote Setting, Part 2 – Teacher Onboarding
This installment of Today's One Thing for Leaders explores the process of onboarding new teachers in a remote environment.
Today’s One Thing for Leaders: Engaging and Supporting Families and Teachers Over the Summer
This installment of Today's One Thing for Leaders explores how leaders can support and engage families and teachers over the summer.
Today’s One Thing for Teachers: Remote Family Engagement
This installment of Today’s One Thing addresses how to remotely engage families to support student development and outcomes.
Today's One Thing for Leaders: What's Next? Planning for Success When There Is No Plan
This installment of Today's One Thing for Leaders explores how education leaders can think about planning for the months ahead and the relaunch of learning in the fall.
Where Real-Time Redesign Originated: Always Ready for Learning Strategy Lab
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Learning Accelerator, along with Bellwether Education Partners, created a new networked learning community focused on equity and resiliency called the Strategy Lab. The nine-month, pro bono, cohort-based...
Financial Planning in the Time of COVID-19
Three concrete tools, contextualized in case studies that leaders can use as they finish the 2020-21 school year and begin financial planning for the 2021-22 school year for school systems and CMOs.
Schools Need a Success Coach for Every Learner
Article from Getting Smart outlining how to build Success Coaching in schools and why it is needed to support learners on all fronts.