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Roots Elementary
Roots Elementary was a K-2 charter school in Denver that used technology along with innovative staffing, curricular, and physical structures to provide a student-centered learning experience.
Real-Time Redesign Case Study: Mastery Charter Schools
This case study provides an overview of Mastery Charter Schools' experience progressing through Real-Time Redesign.
Multiple Access Points for Tech Support
To effectively support remote teaching and learning, Mendon-Upton Regional School District launched several different systems to support students, teachers, and families with technology.
Community Partnerships for Career-Oriented Learning Work
Building external partnerships that encourage students to think about how to interact with external entities and design authentic projects aligned with future careers in mind.
Evaluating Edtech Tools
Districts must carefully consider whether edtech tools are meeting their intended goals by gauging the impact, adoption, satisfaction, and engagement of each product. Districts can utilize a variety of methods to collect data in order to better...
Creating Capacity Using Asynchronous Edtech Supports
District technology leaders can develop asynchronous supports for educators to shift the areas in which they dedicate their capacity.
How Do Edtech Products “Stack” Up?: Improving Quality in Virtual and Hybrid Learning Through Technology
This resource distills learnings about what must be true for edtech to promote virtual and hybrid learning program quality and offers leaders a series of questions to ask themselves when considering their own edtech products’ ability to do so.
Investing in Infrastructure to Solve Complex Challenges
By implementing a strategic and holistic approach to infrastructure, education leaders can begin to address and find solutions to many of the challenges within education. Using the example of student nutrition, the following steps offer guidance on...
Digital Design: How can leaders build educator capacity to leverage technology as a core component of instruction?
This Problem of Practice offers school leaders three approaches to ensure all teachers have access to the resources, support, and capacity needed to effectively integrate technology into their classrooms.
Digital Use: How can leaders ensure students actively use technology as a core learning component?
This problem of practice offers school leaders three strategies to close the “digital use divide,” ensuring each student has the ability and opportunity to actively and powerfully use technology as a core component of their learning.