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Activity: Pilot Next Steps - Ditch, Iterate, or Scale
When designing change, teams reflect on their pilots and choose appropriate next steps that reflect the needs and priorities of students, families, teachers, and classified staff.
Deliberately Creating a Culture of Change
How to address mindset shift productively when making a district-wide instructional shift.
Pilot Next Steps - Iterate: Discussion Questions
These discussion questions accompany the Activity: Pilot Next Steps strategy card.
Activity: Pilot Next Steps - Ditch, Iterate, or Scale
PDF version of Activity: Pilot Next Steps - Ditch, Iterate, or Scale
Strategy Memo: System Conditions and Strategies to Support Accelerated Learning
This strategy memo, produced by TLA in partnership with Kent School District and the district's DARTS (Data, Assessment, Research, Technology and Strategy) team, explores how the district can address K-8 literacy in the face of COVID-19...
Accelerated Adoption of Centralized Instructional Materials Through Curriculum Blueprints
To support remote learning instruction, Austin ISD developed curriculum blueprints that offered targeted, district-vetted resources aligned to priority standards.
Student-Generated Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Check-in List
Students at Taos Academy generate a list of check-in questions and activities, such as “What book character are you feeling like and why?” or “Share a dance move that shows how you are feeling,” to gauge students’ current states. Students then sign...
Article: How to: Run a Crazy Eights Exercise to Generate Design Ideas
When brainstorming potential solutions to a problem of practice, a structured brainstorming activity can help ignite creative thinking. This guide from “I Am Not My Pixels” shares directions for “Crazy Eights,” a structured brainstorming activity.
Focusing on a Small Number of Credits to Accelerate Learning at Bronx Arena
Bronx Arena's founder discusses the benefits of students focusing on a small number of credits.
“Fast and Furious” vs. “Slow and Steady”: How fast should we be moving from pilot to scale? What will help us best achieve sustainability?
This guide unpacks the relative benefits of accelerating versus slowing down the pace of implementation to achieve sustainability and offers examples of the way systems across the country have managed this tension.
Advice: EducationSuperHighway
EducationSuperHighway is the leading nonprofit focused on upgrading the Internet access in every public school classroom in America.