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Using Pretests and Posttests to Identify Learning Growth and Needs
Students take pretests to identify readiness and prior knowledge before starting a playlist, and complete posttests at the end of a unit to show what they’ve learned.
Identifying Mastery and Growth Areas with Pretests and Posttests
Students take tests before and after units to identify areas of focus and growth.
Identifying Prior Knowledge with Pretests at Cisco
Teachers at Cisco can use pretests to help them determine student content knowledge and set them on the right path for learning.
Using Pretests and Posttests at Locust Grove Middle School
Locust Grove educators use routine pretests and posttests to assess learner progress.
Locust Grove Sample Pretest: 8th Grade Physical Science Unit 1
Teachers at Locust Grove Middle School give students pretests before the start of a unit to determine areas of mastery, using the data to inform and personalize students' learning pathways.
Locust Grove Item Analysis (with Learning Targets)
Teachers at Locust Grove Middle School design pre-assessments to directly align with the learning targets and performance indicators for each unit, allowing them to analyze each item and mastery of the corresponding learning target.
Students Analyzing Assessments with Item Analysis
Student analyze assessments to understand common trends about what they missed and still need to work on.
Balancing Student Choice and Needs with Playlists
Playlists are used to organize learning activities, enabling student choice and agency.
Locust Grove Middle School
Locust Grove Middle School is a 6th-8th grade personalized learning school in Henry County School District in Georgia.
Benchmarking Progress with MAP Tests
Students at Locust Grove take MAP tests three times per year, helping them identify areas of need and track progress.
Teacher-Student Conferences
Students and teachers frequently conference to discuss student data and progress, as well as any modifications to their instruction.