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One-on-One Conferencing
Habits of Success teachers have significant flexible time available for individual student conferencing.
Conferencing to Set and Review Goals
Various daily, weekly, and monthly check-ins to ensure that students are progressing through their credits, hitting their benchmarks, and on track to graduate and reach their long-term goals.
Bronx Arena Monthly Conferencing Form
Students complete this form to update their progress towards goals and do some pre-reflection, allowing teachers and students to dive in and discuss data and goals during monthly conferencing.
Teacher-Student Conferencing at Lovett
Discussion of student-teacher conferences at Lovett, including their benefit and the process for making them constructive.
ReNEW Math Conferencing Block Data Sheet
This is an example data sheet that ReNEW teachers would use to conference with their students.
Roots One-on-One Conferencing Spreadsheet
Roots uses one-on-one conferencing spreadsheets so that students are able to benchmark their progress and set goals in a tangible manner. Teachers walk through the tool with students, with updates made in different colors to track change over time.
Learner Voice & Choice Guide to Conferencing
Teacher guide on how to structure and hold a one-to-one student conference with options for three different structures: An advice-based conference with a focus on relationship buildingAn assessment-based conference with a focus on designing...
One-on-One Conferencing Support at West Belden
Teachers at CICS West Belden provide student support through one-on-one conferencing with students.
Conferencing and Goal Setting at Bronx Arena
Educators discuss the role goal setting plays at Bronx Arena.
1:1 Conferencing at Locust Grove Middle School
Learn how teachers and students use 1:1 conferences at Locust Grove.
Staff Professional Development Session on School Conferencing
A professional development slide deck on how to self-assess the quality of a student conference.