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Collecting Student Feedback on Edtech Tools
Collecting student feedback is a critical piece of understanding whether specific tools are useful, engaging, and beneficial to their learning.
Edtech Monthly Update from Barnstable Public Schools
The Barnstable Public Schools Instructional Technology team uses this monthly newsletter to communicate high-impact edtech tips and tricks directly to their teachers, as well as other stakeholders who have signed up to receive updates. Using a...
Creating Capacity Using Asynchronous Edtech Supports
District technology leaders can develop asynchronous supports for educators to shift the areas in which they dedicate their capacity.
Capturing Teachers’ Thoughts on Technology Usage
Teachers can offer valuable insights on whether devices and tools effectively meet student needs for learning, and therefore should be regularly included in the evaluation process for technology decisions.
Engaging Spanish-Speaking Families to Strengthen Edtech Implementation
Gill-Montague Regional School District’s Director of Technology partnered with a Spanish interpreter and community liaison to support Spanish-speaking families. The efforts of the liaison facilitated stronger engagement with edtech among...
Asynchronous Learning Modules for Educators
Cambridge Public Schools created asynchronous learning modules for their teachers to provide training around edtech tools and edtech integration pedagogical practices. Educators can “build their own” professional learning experience by combining...
How Do Edtech Products “Stack” Up?: Improving Quality in Virtual and Hybrid Learning Through Technology
This resource distills learnings about what must be true for edtech to promote virtual and hybrid learning program quality and offers leaders a series of questions to ask themselves when considering their own edtech products’ ability to do so.
Accessing Student Data as a Family or Community Member for Advocacy
The ability to access and utilize data for families and community members is critical for advocating for students. While, accessing data as a family or community member may seem overwhelming or complex, there are public sources that are openly...
Using Data to Advocate for Students with Learning Differences
To foster the right learning environment for students with learning differences, educators must understand the data around how their students learn best, celebrate highlights, explore and problem-solve around gaps, and set up all stakeholders –...
NYC School Without Walls' Approach to Student and Family Engagement
Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, NYC School Without Walls sought to increase engagement with asynchronous learning and provide clarity for both students and families about expectations for virtual learning.
Family Engagement in Virtual and Hybrid Learning
For students to succeed in a virtual/hybrid learning environment, it is vital that schools put support structures in place that inform, encourage, and support families as an integral part of their child’s learning experience. This Insight explores...