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Distinctive Schools’ Personalized Learning Opportunities
Distinctive Schools designed and outlined multiple options for educators and schools to use to engage in personalized learning professional development and growth. Through these various opportunities, including fellowships, school visits, and design...
West Belden's Personalized Educator Learning
West Belden offers teachers choice and more personalized professional education to model this approach for teachers.
Making Competency Based Learning Real for Educators
In January 2015, The Learning Accelerator and our grantees partnered with Yet Analytics to launch a new project to create a common language and frame for identifying resources and learning across organizations and platforms. The goal of this project...
Guide: Online Professional Learning
TLA, in partnership with EdSurge, conducted a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on adult learning and uncovered six key drivers that make for quality online learning for practitioners.
Dallas ISD’s Educator Learner Profile Examples
A learner profile tells an individual’s academic and personal story over time and helps to establish a coaching relationship. It includes strengths, areas for growth, interests, aspirations, goals and how the individual learns best.
Chicago Public Schools Educator Learner Profile
Chicago Public Schools’ teacher learner profile allows educators to share who they are as an individual and as a professional. Coaches utilize this tool to better understand educators and to tailor learning opportunities and supports based on...
Adult Wellbeing in Schools
The same pandemic, economic, social, and political forces that have impacted students have also adversely affected many educators across roles and contexts.
Research That Informs TLA's Work
Explore the research that goes into informing TLA's work.
Full Inclusion of Students with Learning Disabilities
A full inclusion model for students with learning disabilities means that all students are fully integrated into Lovett's general classrooms with no pull out practices.
Example: Summit Public Schools PLP Pro
Summit Public Schools, a leading personalized learning school system, has created a unique educator learning platform called PLP Pro. On this site, you can access two frameworks for teacher learning, including essential Educator Skills and Habits of...
Innovative Staffing to Personalize Learning
In a new report, Public Impact and the Clayton Christensen Institute analyzed eight schools and school networks that are not only personalizing learning, but also getting strong learning results with disadvantaged students.