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Capacity Matrix
Lindsay Unified School District uses a "capacity matrix" to explicate what Learners need to do and over what period of time.
Capacity Matrix
LUSD uses a "capacity matrix" to outline what students need to do and over what period of time.
Creating Capacity Using Asynchronous Edtech Supports
District technology leaders can develop asynchronous supports for educators to shift the areas in which they dedicate their capacity.
Capacity Matrix as a Pacing Guide
Facilitators create capacity matrices, which help Learners understand what they need to do and how quickly they are expected to do it for a given standard or unit.
Building Blended Learning Leaders' Capacity
How to engage teachers and develop a community of blended learning leaders
Partnering Externally to Cultivate Capacity Internally
How to leverage external partnerships to help districts extend or accelerate their scaling process.
Addressing Teacher and Student Capacity with Technology
For students to succeed in a virtual/hybrid learning environment, it is essential for schools to improve both teacher and student capacity with technology. This Insight explores the research behind this critical lever and real-world case studies of...
Driving EdTech Systems: Build Research and Measurement Capacity
Beginning with developing research questions and then describing methodologies to capture data and share findings, this strategy supports the EdTech Systems Guide: Equity Equity-Driven Selection, Implementation, and Evaluation users in reflecting on...
Session C: Building Staff Capacity Remotely Presentation
This session is focused on how to help leaders and educators build capacity to implement remote learning effectively through research-based, online professional learning. It includes four key steps for building personalized professional development...
Using Capacity Matrix as a Learning Agenda at Lindsay
Lindsay teacher Brandy Quintero explains how the district uses a "capacity matrix" to help students understand what they need to learn and the pace they need to learn it. Transcript: Brandy Quintero: When we started out with the capacity...