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Driving EdTech Systems: Engaging Stakeholders
This strategy provides school- and system-level edtech leaders an overview of the stakeholder engagement practices that drive powerful edtech systems. Beginning with identifying key stakeholders, then describing opportunities and methodologies to...
Co-Design with Stakeholders
Activity: Identify Your Stakeholders
This activity helps you to identify all of the stakeholders who could influence and/or might be impacted by the outcomes of a solution you are seeking to design.
Activity: Conduct Empathy Interviews with Stakeholders
PDF version of Activity: Conduct Empathy Interviews with Stakeholders
Chicopee’s Edtech Inventory Survey for Stakeholders
Chicopee Public Schools conducted a survey of all staff members to determine which edtech tools they were using and their comfort level with each tool. The survey also asks staff what support they would like to better implement the tools.
Consistently Engage Stakeholders - EdTech Systems Guide
This four-part strategy to consistently engage stakeholders in edtech selection, implementation, and evaluation processes was developed as part of The Learning Accelerator (TLA)’s partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and...
Activity: Conduct Empathy Interviews with Stakeholders
When designing change, teams ensure that stakeholders – students, families, teachers, and classified staff – are the primary sources of input for what change is necessary and what change might look like through direct interviewing.
Storytelling Built to Engage Community Stakeholders
Most schools and districts have a specific communications strategy built-in to their yearly calendar; however, many of these schools and districts need to work on the storytelling they use in order to leverage communication strategies more...
Monterey Peninsula: Preparing Stakeholders for Co-Creation
As part of their pilot for Real-Time Redesign, one of the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District design team’s initial priorities was to orient students and teachers to their role as co-designers. The team designed a short training session in...
How Giving All Stakeholders a Voice Can Improve School Reopening Plans
This article from KQED discusses the value in giving stakeholders like staff members and students opportunities to give input on school reopening plans to help build ownership and investment.
Equitable EdTech Systems - Online Survey Template for Stakeholders
This survey template adapts the EdTech Systems Guide: Equity-Driven Selection, Implementation, and Evaluation and can be built using users’ preferred survey software to collect stakeholder input. This will inform your understanding of your...