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Creativity in the Technology-Rich Classroom Framework and Protocol
This resource presents a framework (The 4Ps of Creativity) and protocol to help educators iteratively design new learning experiences that nurture student creativity. This tool also includes reflection and feedback protocols for students as well as...
Boston Day and Evening Academy Common Grading Protocols
Boston Day and Evening Academy Common Grading Protocols
Locust Grove Vertical Team Unit Planning Protocol
Teachers collaborate using this protocol to align unit plans around the mastery of competencies and level of rigor.
Locust Grove Webb's DOK Task Analysis Protocol
Locust Grove Middle School uses this protocol to analyze and develop the Depth of Knowledge level for various tasks.
Locust Grove Content Area Team Meeting Protocol
Locust Grove Middle School uses this protocol to guide team planning across a content team.
Bronx Arena Student Supports SWOT Protocol Sample
Teachers and Advocate Counselors at Bronx Arena utilize SWOT protocols to support individual students.
Protocol for Sick Students and Staff During COVID-19
This is the protocol Uxbridge High School used for when students and staff should stay home. It includes a list of symptoms and guidance for when they can return to school.
Activity: "State of..." Team Mad Lib Protocol
Teams can use this activity to story-tell and reflect on a change management and/or innovation initiative. Teams are asked to use a "mad lib" style template to share the driving problem or challenge they were trying address, the solution they...
COVID-19 Self-Screening Protocol for Parents
Callahan Elementary School’s nurse Maureen Gearty developed this flowchart for families in the Norwood, MA community to determine if students should attend school. Students are asked to complete a self-screening at home before coming to school....
Tool: Virtual and Hybrid Learning Improvement Protocol Workbook
This protocol can be used to inform the design of a solution to help improve virtual and hybrid learning, as well as help users understand progress along the key elements of three distinct Pillars: Foundation for Equitable, Engaging, and Effective...
Collaborative Planning with Data
Teachers of the same grade and subject share a planning period and meet weekly to discuss student data and personalized instructional practices.