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Reflecting on Hops, Skips, and Leaps at Taos Academy Charter
In this Insight, Elizabeth LeBlanc shares some of the hops, skips, and leaps Taos Academy Charter has made during the COVID-19 pandemic to facilitate effective teaching and learning – and examines what they'll take forward with them.
Crossroads FLEX High School
Crossroads FLEX High School serves students in grades 9-12 whose outside interests and activities require considerable time during typical school hours. The school has a flexible hybrid schedule that allows students to engage in their outside...
Leveraging Virtual and Hybrid Learning to Increase Course Access: Guidance for State Leaders
This guidance highlights a number of the considerations that states are making about their course access programs, demonstrates models states have developed based on these considerations, and provides resources to help states address critical...
Conducting an Edtech Inventory
Before building or strengthening edtech processes, school and system leaders need to first take stock of what tools currently exist in their school system.
How Do Edtech Products “Stack” Up?: Improving Quality in Virtual and Hybrid Learning Through Technology
This resource distills learnings about what must be true for edtech to promote virtual and hybrid learning program quality and offers leaders a series of questions to ask themselves when considering their own edtech products’ ability to do so.
Cabarrus Virtual Academy's Approach to Active Engagement in Virtual Learning
Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, Cabarrus Virtual Academy designed and piloted a program centered on actively engaging project-based learning for students.
Building Capacity With an Edtech Champions Program
Edtech champions programs provide a promising way for schools and systems to increase capacity for edtech support in schools, provide leadership opportunities for early-adopter staff, and foster a cross-school systems network of edtech leaders.
Driving EdTech Systems: Assemble an EdTech Leadership Team
This strategy provides school- and system-level leaders a process for assembling a team to drive edtech systems and practices.
Driving EdTech Systems: Natick Public Schools
Natick Public Schools participated in the EdTech Peer Learning Cohort facilitated by The Learning Accelerator (TLA) in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Educational Technology.
Driving EdTech Systems: Uxbridge Public Schools
Uxbridge Public Schools is located in western Massachusetts and participated in the EdTech Peer Learning Cohort facilitated by The Learning Accelerator (TLA) in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s...
Driving EdTech Systems: Student Data Privacy
This strategy supports users of the EdTech Systems Guide: Equity Equity-Driven Selection, Implementation, and Evaluation users in reflecting on and strengthening their school or system’s edtech practices around student data privacy.