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Teaching Time Management at ReNEW DTA
Students are given the flexibility to make choices about how to manage their time, with support from peers and teachers.
Multiple Levels of Student Support at ReNEW DTA
Students are given multiple means of support to look towards before reaching out to the teacher.
Student Support Structures
Students have several tiers of support to draw upon when stuck.
ReNEW Inspires Tools Overview
ReNEW Schools has a central website to support personalized and blended learning work network-wide. This page provides an overview of key software programs that teachers can use in their classrooms.
Common Behavior Management Techniques
Roots employs a variety of techniques to provide students the right type of behavioral feedback and support.
Master Schedules for Coordination
Using a series of simple rules to make sure students' time is not double-booked.
One-on-One Conferencing
Habits of Success teachers have significant flexible time available for individual student conferencing.
Co-creation of schedules
Root's seeks input from students on how they spend their learning time through one-on-one conferences.
Graduated Student Content Choice in Personalized Learning Plans
Teachers provide structure and support for students up front in their learning experience and gradually allow more autonomy over time.
Shifting Instruction at Pleasant View
The PVES principal discusses how she has supported teachers in making the shift to personalization.
Student Supports at Pleasant View
Students working on learning objectives have multiple options for support, including peer mentorship, additional learning resources, and teacher help.