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Student Support Structures for Personalized Learning
Teachers at Valor have created multiple options for student support when they are struggling with content.
Supporting Personalized Learning Educators with Coaching at Locust Grove Middle School
Explore how Locust Grove implements coaching and professional development to support educators implementing personalized learning.
Advocate Counselors Providing Social Support at Bronx Arena
Educators at Bronx Arena discuss the role of Advocate Counselors, who provide social supports to students in school.
Knowing the School: How do leaders prepare new teachers to be successful within their school models?
When welcoming new teachers (whether new to the school or to teaching), it is important that you clearly communicate the nuts and bolts that make your innovative school possible. This includes specifics about your model and approach, the supports...
Roots' Differentiated Teacher Roles
Roots differentiates educator roles by specialty as well as experience level.
Structured Data Analysis Reflection
Roots teachers make use of a data analysis reflection template to help them dissect the data they get from their mastery assessments.
Video Self-Assessment
Students watch their own pre-recorded video footage (of presentations, discussions, etc.) and reflect on their strengths and weaknesses.
Example: Fulton County: Vanguard Teachers Program
This program overview and blog post from Getting Smart illustrates how Fulton County built out their capacity in a strategic manner around blended learning by building a Vanguard Team, comprised of educators who have mastered the art of technology...
Coordinating Student Supports with Facilitation Plans
Facilitation plans allow teachers to be proactive, rather than reactive, by identifying possible struggles ahead of time and implementing appropriate interventions to individualize the curriculum to each student’s needs.
Letting Schools Define Their Own Pathways in Blended Learning
How to support school autonomy in a structured way.
Focusing Instruction Through Standards Prioritization and Model Units
In response to the pandemic, Cedar Rapids Community School District chose to focus teaching and learning on the most important content for each grade-level and subject-area.