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Creating Small Group Instruction Opportunities with Content Specialist Teachers
Students are grouped based on needs and then pulled out – or teachers pushed in – for focused support and mini-lessons led by a content specialist.
Cisco Student-Led Learning Teacher Notes: Exploring Equations
This sample teacher notes document from Cisco Junior High supports a teacher in guiding students through an exploring equations activity.
Coordination between Advocate Counselors and Teachers at Bronx Arena
Educators at Bronx Arena discuss how teachers and advocate counselors coordinate throughout the day and week to ensure they're meeting students' needs.
Communities of Practice
How to support innovative teachers to continue to stretch their practice over time.
Multiple Access Points for Tech Support
To effectively support remote teaching and learning, Mendon-Upton Regional School District launched several different systems to support students, teachers, and families with technology.
West Belden's Collaborative Teaching
West Belden teachers work across classrooms to deliver instruction and support to multi-age cohorts.
Flexible Groupings at West Belden
CICS West Belden Teachers use flexible groupings to provide students with personalized instruction and supports.
Class Example: Flexible Groupings at West Belden
CICS West Belden Teachers use flexible groupings to provide students with personalized instruction and supports.
One-on-One Conferencing Support at West Belden
Teachers at CICS West Belden provide student support through one-on-one conferencing with students.
Data Support and Monitoring via Coaches at West Belden
At CICS West Belden, coaches provide support to teachers to help them monitor and act based on student data.
Heterogeneous Student Groupings at ReNew DTA
When teaching 8th grade-level content, the teacher pairs students heterogeneously to support lower-level students and offer higher-level students the opportunity to deepen knowledge by teaching others.