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Customized Playlists to Keep Learners on Track
Facilitators create playlists aligned with learning standards.
Flexible Working Groups
Teachers group students based on need and provide targeted instruction.
Student Support Structures for Personalized Learning
Teachers at Valor have created multiple options for student support when they are struggling with content.
Say Something Cards
Say Something cards provide students who are learning English with scaffolded sentence stems to help guide conversations.
Creating a Culture of Revision
Using data, feedback, and milestones to build out specific revisions around skills students wants to gain proficiency in.
Coordinating Student Supports with Facilitation Plans
Facilitation plans allow teachers to be proactive, rather than reactive, by identifying possible struggles ahead of time and implementing appropriate interventions to individualize the curriculum to each student’s needs.
Today's One Thing for Teachers: Structures for Independent Student Work
This installment of TLA’s Today’s One Thing touches on how to help build structures to guide students to work effectively and independently from home.
Portfolio-Based Grade Interviews
To support students’ metacognition as well as foster standards-based grading, teachers at Austin ISD piloted grade interviews with their students, allowing them to self-assess on a rubric and defend their grade through 1:1 conversation with their...
Getting the Most Out of K-12 Online Resources and Repositories
As technology continues to advance, online resource repositories – the websites, hubs, libraries, or other platforms used to find and implement resources and practices – have become an increasingly popular tool for educators looking to innovate....
Artifact: Fenway High School’s Vision for Professional Development
Fenway High School prioritized collaboration among teachers, counselors, and college partners to build a comprehensive support system for students. By providing training on effective use of advisory periods, office hours, and tutoring, the school...